the effectivness is minimal 98,49%, which is more than 95%
required by ÈSN EN ISO 113 standard
the certificate is issued by Institute for testing and
certification with validity for EU
- minimal spendings for desinfection (common desinfectants for dental units)
- noiseless running, no expenses for repairment (sedimentation type; all-metal and rustless construction, no
rotatory or electronical parts)
- the lowest converted total costs from the certificated separators on the
domestic market according ÈSN EN ISO 11143 standard
- usable for all new and almoust all already installed dental
- infinite guarantee (for shorter period than 18 months between recyclation)
- average period between exchanges at single direction
running is approxim. 12 months
- measures: 310mm x 200mm x 166mm (without oulet)
- possibility to order a white plastic box for the separator(for
external instalation of the dental unit)
* Declaration of conformity is provided with each